하이어비자 플러스

(English) Hirevisa Terms and Conditions

Hirevisa Terms and Conditions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The terms and conditions of this HireVisa Foreign Registration Service and HireVisa+ membership (hereafter reffered to as “Terms and Conditions”) have its purpose to determine various matters such as the procedure for members of the mobile app (https://app.hirevisa.com ,http://api2.hirevisa.com/ ) and internet website (https://www.hirevisa.com)(hereafter reffered to as “Website”) powered by Hirediversity Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred to as “Company”) to use the company’s foreign registration service and the rights and obligations of members and companies related to the use of foreign registration for HireVisa.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows. Terms not defined in these Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings defined in accordance with the terms and conditions of membership and general transaction practices.
The term "HireVisa Foreign Registration Service" means a service in which the Company provides foreign registration to members of the Foreign Registration Service as prescribed in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions and related policies.
The term “HireVisa+ Membership Service” means a service in which the Company provides membership benefits, etc. stipulated in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions and related policies to membership members on a term basis prescribed in these Terms and Conditions.
The term “HireVisa Service(hereafter referred to as “Service”) means the HireVisa Foreign Registration Service and the HireVisa+ Membership Service.
The term “Member” means a customer who can apply for this service by agreeing to the terms and conditions of membership provided by the company and signing up as a HireVisa member.
The term “HierVisa Member” means a member who has agreed to these terms and conditions and has applied for the use of the HireVisa foreign registration service and paid the fee among the above Member.
The term “Membership Member” means a member who agrees with these terms and conditions and policies and subscribes to this service through the application for use of the HireVisa+ membership service and payment of fees.
The term “Service Member” means a member who agrees with these terms and conditions and policies and subscribes to this service through the application and payment process for the use of the HireVisa Foreign Registration Service or HireVisa+ membership service.
The term “Free trial period” refers to the free period of use of the Hier Visa Plus membership service that the company can grant as a benefit when membership members subscribe to the HireVisa+ membership service.
The term “Memership Benefits” means the benefits set forth in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions and related policies provided by the Company to membership members.
The term “Usage Fee” refers to the amount paid to the Company by a service member who subscribes to this Service and intends to use this Service.
The term “Regular Payment” refers to the service that automatically pays user fees at a certain time with payment methods or payment information entered and registered in advance to repeatedly trade this service at a certain time.

Article 3 (Validity of the Terms and Conditions)

The Company may establish and operate individual policies, etc. (hereafter referred to as “Policies") that the Company may revise from time to time for details not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, and post the details through the wesite. In addition to these terms and conditions, the policy forms part of the Service Agreement (hereafter referred to as the "Service Agreement"). A member's consent to these terms and conditions and policies has the same effect as signing a service agreement of use with the seal of both parties.
If these terms and conditions and policies conflict with the terms and conditions of membership, these terms and policies will take precedence.
Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions and policies shall be subject to the terms and conditions of membership. However, the contents that cannot be applied to this service due to its nature are excluded.

Article 4 (Publishing and revising Terms and Conditions)

The Company publishes these Terms and Conditions and policies on the site so that members can easily understand the contents of these Terms and Conditions.
If necessary, the company may revise these terms and policies to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations, and in this case, company shall specify the revised contents and application date and notify it from 7 days before the application date to the day before the application date. However, in the case of changes that are disadvantageous to members, the revised terms and conditions and policies are announced 30 days before the application date to the application date.
If a member disagrees with the revised terms and conditions and policies, he/she may express his/her refusal and terminate the contract of use under these terms and policies before the date of application of the revised terms and policies.
If the company has notified the members of the revised terms and conditions and policies pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article if the member has not explicitly expressed his/her refusal even though he/she has clearly notified that if he/she does not express his/her intention before the application date, he/she shall have agreed to the revised terms and policies.

Article 5 (The establishment and effectiveness of the Policy)

The policy is established when a member who wants to use this service agrees to these terms and conditions, selects a payment method, enters payment information, and completes the application, and the company accepts the member's application. However, if the company provides a free experience period, the payment of the usage fee for the period is deemed to have been made.
The company may withhold or refuse to accept a member's application if he/she falls under any of the following subparagraphs, and may cancel the approval and the contract if the following grounds are confirmed after approval:
a. Where a reason for refusal or reservation of consent to the application for use pursuant to Article 5 of the terms and conditions of membership occurs.
b. In the event of an application for use in violation of these terms and conditions and policies.
c. Where a person who has lost his/her qualification as a service member in violation of Article 10 of this Agreement or who has been restricted from the use of this service has filed an application for reuse.
d. Where the company determines that there is a reasonable reason not to accept other applications for use.
The contract for the use of the foreign registration service for HireVisa is valid until the expiration of the period of use of this service selected by the service member at the time of application.
The HireVisa+ membership service contract is valid until the expiration of the service period selected by membership members. Unless the contract is terminated in the middle or regular payment fails, the service contract is automatically renewed at the time of initial subscription. If a membership member renews the contract of use through regular payment, he/she shall be deemed to have agreed to these terms and policies.
If the contract is terminated for reasons such as expiration, termination, or cancellation, the service member's qualification will be automatically terminated with the termination of the contract, and membership benefits will also be extinguished.

Article 6 (Foreign Registration Service and User Fee)

The company provides foreign registration services that can be used on sites, etc. to Hire Visa members who have paid the usage fee.
The website announces policies that set specific details such as the contents of foreign registration services, how to provide foreign registration services, and usage fees.
The company may change the contents and usage fees of the foreign registration service if necessary, in accordance with Article 10 of this Agreement.

Article 7 (Membership benefits and usage fees)

The company provides membership benefits that can be used on the site, etc. to membership members who paid the usage fee (including membership members during the free experience period if a free experience period is granted).
The website announces policies that set specific details such as the contents of membership benefits, how to provide membership benefits, and usage fees.
The company may change the contents and usage fees of membership benefits if necessary, in accordance with Article 10 of this Agreement.

Article 8 (Payment Method and Payment Date, etc.)

When the payment is made, the company notifies the service member of the payment using electronic media or methods such as the means of notification under Article 15 (1). However, the above notification may be omitted with the service members' explicit consent.
When the payment is made, the company notifies the service member of the payment using electronic media or methods such as the means of notification under Article 15 (1). However, the above notification may be omitted with the service members' explicit consent.
If the payment according to the payment information registered by the service member is not made normally, the contract for use will lose its effect on the day after the failure to pay the re-payment without renewal.

Article 9 (Application for termination and refund)

You can cancel your paid membership at any time. If you cancel a paid membership, automatic renewal of the membership will be disabled. If you cancel your membership, you will not be charged again and your membership benefits will remain until the last day of the payment cycle. There is no refund for the period between when you cancel your membership and when your membership ends.
If the Members wants to immediately cancel the application for the foreign registration service and get a refund he/she can contact the HireVisa support team.
If the Members wants to immediately cancel the Membership and get a refund he/she can contact the HireVisa+ support team.
Once your refund has been processed, you will no longer be able to use this service and membership benefits. You will also no longer be charged unless you renew your membership.

Article 10 (Prohibited acts and restrictions on use, etc.)

The company may cancel or terminate the contract without prior notice or restrict the use of this service for a certain period of time if a service member commits any of the following prohibited acts or member registration terms, etc.
Lending, transferring, or delegating all or part of the rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to a third party;
Using this service by stealing the name of a third party or using payment information of a third party
Obstructing the normal operation of this Service or the use of this Service by other Service Members; •
Use of this service for illegal or unjust purposes;
The cancellation or termination of paragraph (1) shall take effect when the company expresses its intention to the service member in accordance with the notification method prescribed in Article 15 (1) of this Agreement.
Service members may file an objection to the company's cancellation, termination, and restriction of use in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company, and if the company recognizes that the objection is legitimate, the company will resume the use of this service.
In the event that the contract for use is terminated pursuant to this section, the company shall refund the fee paid by the service member, and in this case, the service member shall deduct the profit received from the service fee.
If the profit deducted pursuant to paragraph 4 exceeds the refund amount, the excess amount shall be paid separately according to the method designated by the company.

Article 11 (Rights and Obligations of the Company)

The Company shall do its best to provide the Service in a stable manner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
If there are operational, technical needs, or other substantial reasons, the Company may change all or part of the Service and post the relevant information on the Website before the change. These services includes the usage fee, configuration of the Foreign Registration Service, and membership benefits. However, if the changes are significant or unfavorable to the service member, the Company shall notify to the Service Members by matters in Article 15 paragraph 1. Service Members can terminate the Policies according to Article 9 if they don’t agree the changes.
According to the paragraph 2, If the Company want to change teh fee for the Service, the Company shall notify to the Service Members about the changes before the changed fee is paid. The notification should be include the changed fee and application period. Also, the Company shall get consent from the Service Members. However, this shall not apply to the case where the usage fee changes due to the initiation or termination of irregular or regular discount promotions.
If the Membership Member don’t agree to the changes according to the paragraph 3, the usage fee is not paid regularly for that Membership Member. In this case, the Policies will be expired at the end of the period of use of the Service previously paid.
The Company shall endeavor to resolve the inconvenience and the problems of the Service raised by the Service Members if deemed reasonable. But if it is difficult to resolve quickly, the Company should notify to the Service member about the reason and the processing schedule.
The Company may use the information generated by the Service Members' activities in the course of using the Service for statistical data, promotion about the Service or related services, improvement, etc.
The Company may provide data related to the use of the Service without the consent of the Service Member If the Investigation Agency requests the data of investigative purposes, or other public institutions requests the data through the procedure according to the relevant laws.

Article 12 (Rights and Obligations of Service Members)

Service members have the right to use the Hire Visa service in accordance with the principle of good faith while complying with the use contract.
Service members must comply with these terms and conditions and the company's notification regarding this service. For any loss or damage caused by a service member's violation or failure to comply with the terms and conditions and the notifications, the service member shall be liable for such loss to the extent attributable to him.
Service members shall cooperate with the Company to provide this Service safely, and if the Service member violates these Terms and Conditions and policies, the Service Member shall actively respond to the Company's request for clarification
If a reasonable explanation under paragraph 3 is not made by a service member, the company may restrict service members from using the service.
In any event, Service Members shall not attempt any act or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of this Service, either directly or by using a third party.

Article 13 (Discontinuation of services, limitation of liability, immunity, etc.)

The Company may suspend the provision of these services if it is unable to provide the service due to the following circumstances, and shall be exempted from responsibility for the provision of this Service:
Technical obstacles beyond the company's control
In the event of unavoidable restrictions on the provision of services to telecommunications service providers, agencies related to this service or affiliates, etc., due to reasons attributable to third parties.
In unavoidable cases due to construction, such as maintenance of this service facility.
In the event of a power outage, failure of all facilities or congestion of the amount of use, etc., the normal use of the service is hindered.
In the case of natural disasters, outbreaks of infectious diseases, or equivalent irresistible circumstances
The company shall not be responsible for obstacles to the use of this service due to reasons attributable to service members unless there is a reason attributable to the company.
The Company shall not be responsible for disputes, etc. arising between service members or between service members and third parties through this service unless there is a reason attributable to the Company.
Damage incurred to service members due to reasons attributable to the company shall be limited to the usage fees stated in the policy.

Article 14 (Termination of Services)

If the company intends to terminate the Service, the Company shall post the termination of the service on the site 30 days before the termination date and notify the Service Member by means of notification under Article 15 paragraph 1.
In the case of paragraph 1, the Company guarantees the use of the service for the last period paid by the Service Member before the end of the service. But if it is difficult to provide the service for the period, it will be refunded by reasonably applying the standards of Article 9 of these Terms and Conditions. When making refund, the cost of service used will be deducted.

Article 15 (Notification)

When the Company notifies to the Service Member, the notification may be done by the Service Member’s email, phone, or the pop-up message of the Website or the App unless otherwise provided for in these Terms and Conditions.
When the Company notifies to the all Service Members, the Company may notify to the Service Members by posting on the Website for more than 7 days instead of methods in the paragraph 1. However, if the notification has a significant impact on the transaction of the Service Member themselves, it shall be notified by the method according to the notification means under paragraph 1.
Service Members should provide their contact informations that can be actually contacted to the Company, such as e-mail or phone number. In addition, Sevice Members should keep the information up to date and check the Company's notification.
Disadvantages may not be protected if these are caused by the Service Member’s neglecting their obligations under paragraph 3.

Article 16 (Governing Law, Etc)

The governing law of the Policies shall be the law of the Republic of Korea.
Any dispute/litigation between the Company and the Service Member related to the Policies shall be resolved by the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.